Kenya Quilt Guild

April 2019 Meeting

April 2019 Meeting Highlights.

April was a month of bittersweet memories. As we welcome a new Executive Committee, we also said good bye to Dorothy Stockell. Dorothy chaired KQG for 3 years, the guild presented a beautiful hand pieced, hand embroidered and hand quilted gift made by Christine Kibuka to remind her of us always. 

Show and tell, fabulous as ever. 

Rohini Desai made this quilt with 1 inch squares for a Bernina Challenge. 

Rohini Desai recently completed her accreditation of being a certified Quilt Teacher from South Africa Quilt Guild with flying colours. Congratulations Rohini on your success and achievement. Here she’s showing multiple projects as part of her intensive course.

Donna Pido presented a beautiful and very informative talk about Turkana Tribal Design, ” Turkana Design: A Romance with Conic Sections” we learnt how Hyperbolic Paraboloid has influenced design and art for Turkana Tribe. 

And at the end we all could pronounce “Hyperbolic Paraboloid” correctly and could identify so many around us.

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